Me, Myself and I.....Finding My Sanity, Losing My Mind 

I Can't Believe It

I had two sad things happen on Friday. When driving home from work I looked down at my finger and noticed that my diamond was gone from my engagment ring! As soon as I got home I searched through the car but found no trace of it. As I was all over Minneapolis that day the likelihood of me ever finding it is vanishingly small. Friday we also realized that our Huckleberry kitty probably wasn't coming back. He had been missing for three days- and at his age (14) we had to face facts that he probably wasn't coming home. Needless to say, this was not the best way to start the weekend.

I actually called our insurance agent and put in a claim for my ring Friday night and was able to talk to the claims person on Saturday. Sounds like this may be a fairly painless process....but the sad thing is that my new diamond WON'T be the same one that Troy put on my finger 15 years ago. Cheers to my sister, however, who said that perhaps this was symbolic of a "new life" which is a nice positive spin. Heavens knows that we have been through more then a reasonable amount of ups and downs the past 15 years. I can only hope the next 15 are better.

The best part of the weekend was that Huck DID come home! Troy sat outside Saturday night (early Sunday morning) for an hour just calling and calling him...and he came! I was sooo thrilled to see him Sunday morning! (I was sleeping while this was going on.) The kids said they were glad too..but as they had already mentioned getting a new kitten I'm not sure if they really meant it- lol!

Other then that, not much happened this weekend. Troy worked every night, the kids varied between being brats and being angels, and that's about it.

Number One

This is very first blog post. I suppose I should introduce myself on the off chance that anyone besides myself actually reads this. Here's the vital stats:

I'm 33. To put bread on the table, I practice law. (Don't you love that term? It's like lawyers never get good enough not to need "practice.") I have three kids who are the light of my life (most of the time) and a husband who on occasion gets that title. My eldest daughter (7)has a condition called CVS and my middle daughter (5) has Type 1 diabetes. I'm sure I'll be writing quite a lot about both diseases.

I'm a book junkie, an adoption junkie and a net junkie. The three intersect at times. I also write for my own personal pleasure and plan to share some of my poems here.

Finally, I have a diagnosed condition called Generalized Anxiety Disorder. It has been well controlled since 2001 but the hell that I managed to climb out of that year remains vivid in my mind. More on this later, although the poem below was written during the time I was gripped by GAD.
No need to email me to tell me I suck; I'm well aware of my limitations.


A winter's silence lies across the land
Black trees, now leafless,
Stretch upward and almost touch
The snow-filled sky.

It comes.

The silence is broken by the scream of the winds
Howling, tearing, destroying winds...
Covering the earth below
With frozen death.

The winds buffet and shake the shelter
Where I am huddled
Seeking safety
Seeking peace from the violence outside.

But I am not safe...

The violence of the winds
Is echoed in my heart
Which screams with a red fury.

I am anguished

The storm has past
The land is locked in a frigid death
My heart is numb

We wait for the sun-kissed spring
To restore life
To restore hope.

Welcome to my story...thanks for stopping by.

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